Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Dr. Crystal Gajkowski

Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
Federal Programs Coordinator
Homeless/Foster Case Liaison
Phone: 570-356-3508
Fax: 570-356-2892d
curriculum tiger


Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Administrative Assistant
Technology Secretary
Phone 570-356-3515
Fax 570-356-2892

* Instruction:

* Assessment:

2023-2024 District Testing Calendar

Keystone Examination Background Information

The Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments designed to evaluate proficiency in academic content. Beginning with the class of 2022–2023, students must demonstrate proficiency in the Algebra I, Literature, and Biology Keystone Exams to graduate or fulfill one of the other pathways provided to graduate. Students will be offered multiple opportunities to take the Keystones throughout their high school career.  

The Pennsylvania Department of Education will publish specific administration dates.

Religious Opt Out

Chapter 4 of Title 22 of the Pennsylvania Code (22 Pa. Code 4.4) provides for the right of any parent/guardian to excuse his/her child from the state assessment if, upon inspection of the testing materials, he/she finds the assessment to conflict with his/her religious beliefs. This is the only basis under Chapter 4 rules for a parent/guardian to excuse his/her child from the statewide assessments.

Procedures for opt-out:

  1. Once tests have been received by the district, assessments are available for review by parents/guardians. The assessment must be reviewed on district property, and district personnel must be present at all times.  A parent interested in opting their child out of the assessment must schedule an appointment with a building administrator to review the testing materials.  Before reviewing materials a confidentiality agreement must be signed to ensure test security.

  2. If, after reviewing the test, parents/guardians find the test to be in conflict with their religious beliefs and wish their student(s) to be excused from the test, the parents/guardians must provide a written request to the Superintendent that states they do not want their child tested because the test conflicts with their religious beliefs.

Students who opt out due to a religious exemption must instead meet the state's graduation requirements by fulfilling one of the other pathways to graduation

*All Assessment OPT OUT requests must be made two weeks prior to the start of testing. Please contact the Building Main Office for more information about the opt out process.

* Resources:

* Home Education Program (Homeschooling):