Over the next 12 weeks, High School Journalism students will be completing a "Teachers of Tomorrow" project for our website and social media platforms. Their work will feature each of the student teachers working within our district during the Spring Semester. Our first student teachers, Joshua Bernocco and Sean McCarthy, are both teaching with Mrs. Becker (HS) and Mr. T. Williams (MS).
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
teachers of tomorrow
teachers of tomorrow
Fifth Graders practiced "Stop the Bleed" techniques with emergency personnel from the Elysburg Fire Department on Wednesday. Carter Spotts shared a moment with his dad, DJ, during the training.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
stop the bleed training
stop the bleed training
Students in Mr. Williams' 8th Grade STEM Class are working on creating art using Python coding language. Students are using the coding language to create shapes with color in order to design a digital picture of their choice.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
computer coding
computer coding
computer coding
computer coding
Parents/Guardians take a few minutes to view the mid-year Technology Update from the Tech Office. The link provides updates in addition to a demo of learning tools to help students. View the update at the following YouTube Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn3xm2kIn_8
over 1 year ago, Brian Davis
Fifth Grade Science students investigated adaptations and natural selection in a Bird Beak Simulation Activity last week.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
5th grade science
5th grade science
Isabella Hoffman, 7th grade, recently did a presentation for her classmates for American Heart Month. Isabella is inspired to educate and raise awareness about heart health by her younger brother, who has a congenital heart defect. We are so proud of this impressive young lady!
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
heart health awareness
heart health awareness
heart health awareness
The following students recently participated in County Band: Middle School- Karissa Teichman, Karlene Wiehe, Dillen Whitley, Mara Turner High School- Evelyn Staugaitis, Ethan Rush, Sophia Boucher, Sadie Boucher, Isabelle Honabach, Sarah Eyer, Mason Laubach, Saira Sodergren Additionally, Sophia Boucher (11th Grade) participated in PMEA District 8 Band.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
county band
county band
county band
county band
Southern Columbia Area School District proudly presents "Bye Bye Birdie." The show will be performed March 23-25 at 7:00pm. Below is the link to purchase tickets for the show. Any questions can be sent to lholtzman@scasd.us. https://www.onthestage.tickets/show/12-1234567/63c033a642555d3eba0828cb/tickets
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
bye bye birdie
7th grade science students performed various experiments to explore chemical reactions and equations as well as the chemical and physical properties of matter.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
7th grade science
7th grade science
7th grade science
Mrs. Serafini chose Ayden Hockenbroch for 8th grade SoCo STAR for 8th grade History. Academically, Ayden is lighting his American History on fire! Ayden comes to class prepared, turns assignments in on time, and is always ready to slay his tests. Personally, Ayden is kind, a leader, and quick-witted. Ayden is easy to joke with in class, and that quality makes his class period so much fun. Ayden works well with any students and is welcoming to of all kinds of people. Mr. Kelchner chose Luke Davis as the January SoCo STAR in 8th grade Science. Luke brings a great spirit to his class, always having a positive attitude and a sense of humor. Luke is conscientious with his work and fully engaged in each class activity. He also treats others with kindness, compassion, and respect. Luke's positive energy and appreciation for a mutual running joke make him fun to teach, and his creative ideas and talents make him interesting to know. Mrs. Campbell chose Jayden Laubach for the 8th ELA SoCo STAR for the month of January. Jayden consistently serves as a positive example for her peers. Her class engagement has been outstanding, and she routinely participates and adds ideas to our discussions. She approaches all tasks with integrity and is someone who can be counted on to be trustworthy, even when it is not the popular choice. She demonstrates tolerance toward others and stands out in the nonjudgmental way she approaches her peers. Furthermore, she completes all tasks in ELA to the best of her ability, even when those assignments may be challenging. Mr. Cole chose Abby Tomb as the January SoCo Star for Math. Abby is works hard every day to master the math content that they have in class. She is always showing self-control, tolerance for others, astounding academic integrity, and respect for others. She is a shining example and a model student in math class.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
8th grade students of the month
S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violence Everywhere) is clearing out their t-shirts again! Pictured are this year's gold shirts; so many students and faculty already have one already from the beginning of the year. If not, GOOD NEWS! We are selling them for $5.00 each. They will be sold in the middle school during 11th period. If you're outside of school and interested in purchasing, please contact aborys@scasd.us. GO TIGERS!
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
t shirt sale
The following students were chosen by Fifth Grade Staff at Southern Columbia Middle School as January SoCo Stars of the Month. These students were chosen because they have displayed self-control, tolerance, academic integrity, and resilience within the school setting. Congratulations to each student and their families! January 2023: Charlie Whitbeck and Dylan Searfoss
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
5th grade students of the month
Levi Heller is the Science Student of the Month. He is a dedicated, hardworking student. He completes all his assignments, assessments, and activities at a high level and in a timely manner. He is respectful to, and respected among, his peers and teachers alike. Levi comes to science class each morning ready to learn with a smile on his face. Zavier Swank is the Geography Student of the Month. He has worked hard all year in class and has the grades to prove it. Beyond academic performance, his maturity, kindness to others, and his sense of humor are much appreciated. He has great leadership potential and is extremely respectful. He also does an outstanding job of balancing high academic performance with his extra-curricular activities. Becca Kauffman is the ELA Student of the Month. Becca is a hard-working student who never lets a challenge stand in her way. She is responsible, committed to achieving success, and she is an overall kind and considerate individual. She works well with others and helps her peers in any way she can. Madden Mayernick is the Math Student of the Month. Madden is a hard-working student who cares about her performance! She is always polite and respectful in class. She is always willing to help others and demonstrates many leadership qualities. Her attitude and work ethic are commendable.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
7th grade students of the month
The following students were chosen by the Sixth Grade staff at Southern Columbia Middle School as January's SoCo Stars of the Month. These students were chosen because they have displayed self-control, tolerance, academic integrity, and resilience within the school setting. Congratulations to each student and their families! January 2023: Caleb Sones, Anson Plock, Gage Fisher, Freya Fleming
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
6th grade students of the month
7th Grade Students of the Month: Yanqiu Chen is the geography student of the Month. She is an outstanding student who is exceptionally prepared for class and always participates. She has a terrific work ethic and is always kind and respectful to others. She is polite, well behaved and comes to class with a positive attitude and is ready to learn. Yanqiu is a standout role model for other students in Southern Columbia Middle School. Josh Knoebel is a phenomenal student and classmate in science class. He comes to class prepared, focused, and eager to learn every day. Josh participates in class, completes assignments in a timely manner, and does very high-quality work. He is always willing to help other students, include others, and take the lead during groupwork and labs. Grady Garcia is the student of the month for ELA. Grady is a shining example of our SOCO STAR qualities. Grady works to his fullest capacity in all of his academic work, and he is always helpful and kind to his classmates. He epitomizes resilience as he does not shy away from challenges, rather he embraces them as opportunities to learn and grow. Olivia Jones is the student of the month for Math! She is a fantastic student and classmate in our class. She comes to class with a willingness to learn. She gets along well with others and is very productive with her math work. She is a great problem solver and is motivated to succeed. Olivia always has a smile on her face and is a pleasure to work with.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
7th grade students of the month
The SCA Class of 2025 proudly presents the Fourth Annual "DADDY DAUGHTER DANCE." Girls residing in the Southern Columbia Area School District in K-5th grade are cordially invited to a magical evening of dance. Bring your dad or a special someone! Chinese Auction and snack items will be available to purchase. Friday February 17th 2023: 6:00-7:30 in the G.C. Hartman Elementary Gymnasium Tickets are $10 per couple and each additional daughter is $2.00. Advanced sales have taken place in homerooms, and payment/forms can be given to homeroom teachers or the elementary and middle school offices by January 30th. Tickets will also be available at the door. Any questions, please reach out to: Mrs. Konyar-kkonyar@scasd.us Mrs. Trometter-atrometter@scasd.us
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
daddy daughter dance
Today the 8th grade class took a trip to Columbia Montour Area Vocational Technical School. All students were able to tour different career areas and it was followed by a very tasty lunch! A huge thank you to Vo-Tech for being such gracious hosts.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
8th grade vo-tech trip
8th grade vo-tech trip
8th grade vo-tech trip
8th grade vo-tech trip
The following students were chosen by 8th Grade staff at Southern Columbia Middle School as SoCo Stars of the Month for December 2022. These students were chosen because they displayed self-control, tolerance, academic integrity, and resilience within the school setting. Congratulations to these students and their families! Aiden Eby, Levi Everitt, Makenna Golden, Mya Woodland
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
8th grade students of the month
5th grade students exhibiting positive behaviors were rewarded with an exciting celebration. Congratulations to these students and keep up the good work!
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
5th grade celebration
5th grade celebration
5th grade celebration
5th grade celebration
The following students were chosen by Fifth Grade Staff at Southern Columbia Middle School as December SoCo Stars of the Month. These students were chosen because they have displayed self-control, tolerance, academic integrity, and resilience within the school setting. Congratulations to each student and their families! December 2022: Violet Beyer and Jeremy Weikel
over 1 year ago, Ryan Mensch
5th grade students of the month